CRHC is able to undertake a range of projects because of the generous support of individuals, foundations, and institutions. CRHC also partners with universities and other non-profit organizations, thus expanding the impact of our work.
Since CRHC’s founding in 2014, the CRHC team has received funding from, partnered with, or undertaken consultancies for the following organizations:
Adolescent Reproductive Health Zone
Canadian Partnership for Women's and Children's Health (CanWaCH)
Center for Reproductive Rights
HRA Pharma Company’s Foundation
Ibis Reproductive Health
Institute for Family Health
Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises (IAWG)
Macquarie University
Mae Tao Clinic
Médecins Sans Frontières
National Abortion Federation Canada
National Institute for Reproductive Health
National YCWA Myanmar
Office of Population Research, Princeton University
Social Action for Women
Society of Family Planning Research Fund
Stockholm Evaluation Unit
Tara Health Foundation
Try Center
Tunisian Center for Public Health
UNFPA Albania
UNFPA Jordan
UNHCR Malaysia
University of Ottawa
Women Deliver
Women Help Women
World Health Organization
CRHC is also proud to serve as the fiscal agent for the American Society for Emergency Contraception and for the Online Abortion Rescue Squad